June 2012 — Advanced Design & Manufacturing is one of the corporate sponsors of "Taste of the Nation"

Advanced Design & Manufacturing is one of the corporate sponsors of the "Taste of the Nation, Portsmouth NH: fundraiser for NO KID HUNGRY. Caren Raby and Ron Raby are shown in the photo, holding the corporate donation check for Share Our Strength Seacoast.

Click image for a larger version.

February 2011 — ADM featured in the Portsmouth Press Herald

On February 7th, 2011, ADM was recognized in the business section for celebrating 20 years in contract manufacturing. The article discusses the history of ADM and where they are headed in the future.


January 2011 — ADM receives Notable Award at a Nexx Systems event

On January 20th, 2011, ADM was presented an award recognizing their commitment to performance and quality as a Nexx outsource partner. ADM has been involved in the design and manufacturing of Nexx System's product line for many years. The award was presented at an event in Billerica, Massachusetts celebrating a prominent milestone — the 100th Stratus system sold.

The Stratus is an industry leading machine that provides wafer level packaging. These wafers are then processed into computer chips that eventually become the heart of a smart phone, gaming system, or other popular electronic device. The Stratus is known for having the lowest cost of ownership for pattern plating and through silicon via applications. The 100th machine is now being installed at a major Taiwan Outsourced Assembly and Test lab.

Matt Wilber, Sales manager of ADM states, "ADM is very proud to be recognized at this level by a leading semiconductor equipment manufacturer. In today's competitive marketplace, it is an honor to be recognized for performance and quality. We look forward to expanding our partnership with Nexx Systems as they continue to grow in the Semiconductor Industry on an international level."

June 2009 — ADM Sponsors the 2009 Seacoast Taste of the Nation event for Share Our Strength — Portsmouth

ADM is proud to sponsor yet another successful Taste of the Nation event. On June 24, 2009 over a thousand Seacoast New Hampshire residents gathered in the Strawberry Banke in downtown Portsmouth, NH for the premier food event of the year. ADM, along with other business owners, chefs, and volunteers all came together with one cause: to end childhood hunger. With their help, the Share Our Strength organization raised a record breaking $115,000, with 100% proceeds used to support the cause.

2008 — ADM Sponsors 2008 Seacoast Taste of the Nation and Share Our Strength — Portsmouth

For the 12th straight year, ADM was proud to sponsor the 2008 Share Our Strength-Portsmouth and the Seacoast Taste of the Nation annual dinner extravaganza. Share Our Strength [SOS], is one of the nation's largest and most effective hunger relief organizations. Seacoast Taste of the Nation is the area's preeminent culinary benefit supporting anti-hunger and anti-poverty efforts. Every spring, community leaders donate their product, time and talents to the event, which raises both awareness and funds for anti-hunger, anti-poverty efforts throughout the local community.

The 2008 Seacoast Taste of the Nation was biggest and best ever to date, with 800 people in attendance and $100,000 raised.The gala event was held under a massive tent at the beautiful and historic Strawberry Banke Museum. Over 60 local restaurants and purveyors of fine beer and wine collaborated to present the finest fare the Seacoast has to offer. Thanks to the generous support of corporate sponsors, 100% of ticket sales go directly to the fight against hunger and poverty. For more information visit tasteofthenation.org.

Lifesaving System for Swimming Pools

Advanced Design & Manufacturing in cooperation with Poseidon Technologies developed and manufactured a lifesaving system for swimming pools. To read more about this, please click on any of the links below.

Poseidon, the Lifeguard's Third Eye

View a video of a rescue made after Poseidon's alarm alerted lifeguards to a victim

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Industries ADM Serves

Alternative Energy
Homeland Security
Fluid Management
Food Service
Medical/Life Science
Process Manufacturing
Pulp & Paper
Roadway Infrastructure
Scientific Research